October 18, 2024 - 2:55 pm

Companies will no longer be allowed to sponsor sports clubs

After July 1, 2025, gambling companies will no longer be allowed to sponsor sports clubs, leagues and complexes. And therefore also no amateur clubs. This writes State Secretary Struycken in response to questions from members Bikker and Van Nispen.

sponsoring sports clubs

In September the Dutch government submitted parliamentary questions after they saw how gambling companies in Belgium deal with the rules around sponsoring sports clubs. Footballers under 21 are not allowed to wear a gambling sponsor on their jersey in Belgium and therefore the jerseys remain empty or an alternative sponsor is displayed.

Such an alternative sponsor may in some cases be a foundation established or funded by the gambling company acting as the main sponsor. For example, Royal Antwerp has the gambling company BetFirst as its shirt sponsor, but with the younger players, the AntwerpFirst foundation is visible. Not visible in public spaces

Sponsorship by gambling providers will be banned by July 1, 2025, but the MPs were not entirely sure whether this ban will also apply to amateur clubs, for example. In addition, they wanted to know if through “communities and foundations” gambling companies can still be visible after July 1, 2025.

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